The post of the Vice-Chancellor of the National Open University of Nigeria will become vacant on 15 October, 2010. In accordance with the provisions of the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) Decree NO.11 of 1993 as amended by the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 2003, the Governing Council of the University wishes to commence the process for the appointment of a new Vice-Chancellor for the University. Consequently, applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post. Interested candidates are requested to note the following information:
The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) was established by the Federal Government in May 2002 in line with the provisions of the National Open University Act 25 of 1983. The mission of the University, as a dedicated single mode open and distance learning institution, is to make education available to as many people as are sufficiently prepared, able and willing to benefit from the various levels of education provided through the open and distance learning mode.
The University, with its Headquarters located at 14/16 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Lagos, has a liaison office in Abuja, a campus in Kaduna and 39 Study Centres spread across the Country.
Vice Chancellor
The Vice-Chancellor, as the Chief Executive Officer of the university, is responsible to the Governing Council and the Honourable Minister of Education for day to day management of the university. He or she is required to provide strategic direction to management, staff and students and provide advice on academic, administrative and fiscal policies to the Senate and Governing Council of the University. As standard bearer of the university, the Vice-Chancellor is required to procure funding, initiate high priority academic work, enhance public awareness, vigorously pursue advocacy for open and distance learning and promote the good image of the institution.
The candidate for the post of Vice-Chancellor must possess a good earned PhD from a recognized university and proven managerial skills for human and material resources. The candidate is also expected to:
(a) Be a distinguished scholar of the rank of Professor with ability to provide academic and administrative leadership to the university Community;
(b) Possess clear vision for the development of the University and realisation of its mission;
(c) Command the respect of the national and international academic communities by virtue of his/her track record;
(d) Demonstrate interpersonal and team building skills and ability to strengthen the relationship between staff, students, and other members of the university community;
(e) Enjoy excellent physical and mental health;
(f) Exhibit the entrepreneurial drive and ability to attract funds and mobilise other resources for development of the University;
(g) Have demonstrable ability to establish and maintain partnerships with local and international governmental and non – governmental agencies;
(h) Possess a strong working knowledge of Nigeria’s education system working knowledge of open and distance learning will be an advantage.
The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a single term five (5) years only on such terms and conditions as may be specified in the letter of appointment. The remuneration and other conditions of service are as applicable to the post of Vice-Chancellor in all Federal Universities in Nigeria and as may be determined from time to time by the Government/Governing Council of the University.
(i)Each application, including the candidate’s detailed curriculum vitae(and one page summary) duly signed and dated as well as a statement of his/her vision for the University’s future, should be made in 30 copies. The curriculum vitae must contain the candidate’s name in full, age, marital status, educational attainment, nationality, and professional and academic achievements.
(ii)Each application should include the names and addresses of three referees. Each applicant should request each of his/her referees to forward, direct to the Registrar, a confidential report on the candidate’s character, academic and managerial abilities in a properly sealed envelope marked Post of Vice-Chancellor:
Referee’s Report with name of candidate at the top left hand corner of the envelope.
(iii)AII applications and referees’ reports shall be submitted under confidential cover and addressed to:
Registrar and Secretary to Council
National Open University of Nigeria
14/16 Ahmadu Bello Way, P.M.B.80067,
Victoria Island,
Lagos State.
(iv)ln the case of candidates identified by the Search Team, each application shall, in addition to the foregoing requirements. be accompanied by a letter of consent duly signed by the candidate.
(v)The sealed envelope(s) containing the applications or nominations should be marked POST OF VICE-CHANCELLOR at the top left hand corner and forwarded to reach the Registrar not later than 31 May 2010.
NB: The Governing Council reserves the right to extend the closing date if deemed necessary, and/or re-advertise the position should this particular process not yield the desired result.
Josephine O. Akinyemi (Mrs.) Registrar and Secretary to Council
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