At Osun State University Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, Nigeria.
• Candidate for the post of Chief Medical Director shall be a registered Medical Practitioner for a period of not less than twelve (12) years, with considerable effective administrative experience in matters of health and holds a registrable post-graduate professional medical qualification obtained of at least seven (7) years prior to the submission of this application.
• Possession of a Masters Degree in Public Health is an advantage.
• Candidates should ideally hold a professorial chair in the medical sciences.
The Hospital Set Up
• Osun State University Teaching Hospital is expected to grow into a 500 bed medical facility with a workforce of about 1,000 comprising of highly trained professionals and support staff, including specialists in various fields to meet the demands of providing high quality health care delivery services.
• We are looking for a Candidate who is matured and an accomplished manager of both human and financial resources, a team player who can operate effectively within the context of a vision and mission of the Management Board with great intellectual capability, buoyant energy; good health, and very strong human relation
Candidates should
• have clear clinical accomplishment;
• be a distinguished scholar;
• have occupied an administrative position in a Teaching Hospital setting with evidence of research publications; and
• in addition, the individual must be a team player
The Chief Medical Director of the Hospital would
• be responsible to the Management Board for day to day management of the hospital:
• advise the Management Board on all matters affecting the policy, finance and administration of the hospital;
• implement the decisions and directives of the Management Board;
• oversee financial management of the hospital: and
• carry out such duties as may be assigned by the Board in the overall interest of the patients and of the Osun State University Teaching Hospital
Conditions of Service
• The remuneration and other conditions of service as applicable to the post of a Chief Medical Director as approved by the Board and as applicable in the federal teaching hospitals.
• The duration of the appointment is a term of four (4) years, which shall be renewable for a second and final term on competitive basis,
Closing Date
Completed application forms with twenty (20) hard copies and one (1) soft copy of the Curriculum Vitae and credentials with a well articulated vision for a Teaching Hospital of high standard of services at par with its peers nationally and internationally,
Method of Application
The application should be submitted to the office of:
The Registrar
Osun State University
P.M.B 4494
The sealed envelope should be marked "Chief Medical Director" at the top left hand corner
Applicants are also required to request their three (3) nominated referees to forward their references under confidential cover directly to the Registrar, Osun State University, Osogbo, P, M, B, 4494, Osogbo on or before the closing date
Only shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview.
Dr. Julius O. FANIRAN, J.P.
Registrar and Secretary to Council
Method of Application
Applicants are required to submit twenty-five (20) copies of their application and current curriculum vitae which should contain among others:
1. Full name (Surname first in capital letters)
2. Post applied for
3. Place and Date of Birth
4. Marital Status
5, Number of children and their ages
6. Nationality and State of Origin (if a Nigerian)
7. Local Government of Origin (if from Osun State)
8. Contact Details (including mobile telephone numbers and e-mail)
9. Permanent Home Address
10. Institutions Attended with Dates
11. Academic and Professional Qualifications with dates
12. Work Experience with Dates including full details of former and present posts
13. Present Employment Status and Salary
14. List of Publications if any
15. Extra-curricular activities
6. Any other relevant information that would facilitate a positive review of your application.
17. Names and Addresses of three (3) relevant referees. Applicants should request their nominated referees to forward their reports under separate and confidential, cover direct to:
The Registrar
Osun State University Osogbo
P. M. B. 4494
Closing Date: 29th April, 2010.
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