DDI invites applications for the following position:
Business Development Officer – Port Harcourt
The following qualifications and levels of experience are desired:
1. A Master’s degree in Business Administration, Agriculture, Finance or Economics
2. At least five years of experience in business or financial management.
3. Experience in business or financial consulting for micro, small and medium scale enterprises and/or experience in training delivery
4. Experience in the design, development and implementation of micro, small and medium scale enterprise projects
5. Experience with business development, trade and/ or investment activities related to micro, small and medium scale enterprises
6. Demonstrated ability to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate business development, trade and/or investment programs.
7. Knowledge of best practices related to portfolio management, business appraisals, due diligence assessments, business plan development, market development, financial statement preparation and analysis, financial and program audits, and/or ethical compliance programs.
8. Substantial business documentation and presentation skills as evidence of ability to effectively interact with small business clients and/or prospective investors. Hands-on management experience in a small business or corporation.
9. Demonstrated experience raising investment capital and/or mobilizing resources from private or public donors.
10. Articulate in written and spoken English.
To apply:
Applications including a cover letter that explains how you meet the above criteria, a detailed resume, 3 references, and salary history should be sent not later than Friday, June 4, 2010 to recruitment@ddinigeria.org
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