DDI invites applications for the following position:
Outreach Officer – Kaduna or Kano
The following qualifications and levels of experience are desired:
1. A Master’s degree
2. At Least five years cognate experience.
3. Ability to explore, identify and track program funding opportunities,
4. Ability to develop an appropriate and effective fundraising strategy involving research of current and prospective donors, product development, marketing, cultivation, solicitation and stewardship.
5. Experience in leading and coordinate processes to ensure timely submission of high-quality proposals to identified donors and funding opportunities.
6. Knowledge of cost application and budgeting processes
7. Familiarity with funding solicitation mechanisms, regulation and standard provisions, and programming priorities of maj donors.
8. Ability to support communications initiatives that help capture the successes associated with current programming.
9. Strong analytical and organizational skills
10. Excellent interpersonal, networking and representational skills
11. Articulate in written and spoken English
To apply:
Applications including a cover letter that explains how you meet the above criteria, a detailed resume, 3 references, and salary history should be sent not later than Friday, June 4, 2010 to recruitment@ddinigeria.org
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